African Mining Network

AMN was established to develop and build relationships across Africa’s mining community, and give the world a preview of what is happening in mining in Africa.

AMN - COTE D’IVOIRE: Further strong gold hits at Napié

Mako Gold Ltd has received further positive results from a 27-hole reverse circulation (RC) drill program at the Napié Gold Project in Cote d’lvoire. The results from the Tchaga prospect have boosted the company’s confidence of outlining a gold resource.

Assays have been received from the remaining 11 holes with individual 1-metre assays returning up to 7.55 g/t gold.

Eight of the 11 RC holes were drilled on Tchaga prospect with three holes drilled to test a regional target between the Tchaga and Gogbala prospects.

Positive results from the program have extended the gold mineralised zone at Tchaga to a strike length of 1-kilometre.

The company is earning a 75% interest in the project under a farm-in and joint venture agreement with Occidental Gold SARL, a subsidiary of West African gold miner Perseus Mining.

Assays from the remaining eight holes of the Tchaga prospect returned narrow gold intersections and clearly identified an area which the company will focus on in its endeavour to outline a gold resource with further drilling.

Assays were also received for three RC drill holes along one drill fence between Tchaga and Gogbala prospects, with two of the three drill holes intersecting gold and best intersections of 1-metre at 1.48 g/t and 1 metre at 1.27 g/t.

While no substantial width of gold mineralisation was intersected, these drill holes confirm there is gold mineralisation along this section of the 17-kilometre-long shear.

Mako’s managing director Peter Ledwidge said: “We are thrilled to have outlined 1-kilometre of strike length of gold mineralisation in our latest drilling campaign.

“We are focusing on the big picture and feel confident that Mako can move quickly towards a resource on the Tchaga prospect.

“To this end, we hope to be drilling again on the Tchaga prospect shortly after the end of the wet season.

“Mako looks forward to providing updates on drilling plans on both the Napié project and the Niou project in Burkina Faso.”

The company is planning a follow-up program after the wet season, which usually ends in November in Cote d’lvoire, with the aim of moving towards a JORC-compliant resource.

Mako will be focusing its efforts on further drilling on the Tchaga prospect and infill drilling between sections as well as extending the strike-length and width of mineralisation.